How to create a Lead Form on Facebook: A step by step guide
Facebook Lead Forms are designed for businesses to capture potential customers' information directly within the platform. This guide delves into the step-by-step process of creating a Lead Form on Facebook.
How to create a poll on Facebook people engage with
Polls are no longer available on traditional Facebook posts. They are available to some degree on Facebook Stories via their mobile app. Facebook Stories are essentially Facebook's Snapchat clone.
Why people will engage with you on social media
Creating your social media profiles is the easiest part of any social media strategy. It is often the first and last steps […]
The 6 habits of a successful social media manager
Just like any marketing channel, social media requires a certain set of specialist skills to be successful. Knowing how to use the […]
7 reasons your business shouldn’t use social media
Social media can go one of two ways for a business. It can become part of a thriving community of brand fans and people interested in your products, with you at the centre initiating and responding to discussions. Alternatively it can become a waste ground of forgotten profiles with digital tumble weeds sweeping through, uncared for an unloved. Here are 7 reasons your business shouldn't use social media.