The 3 most important emails you’ll ever send

Email is one of the most powerful weapons in your marketing arsenal. It is also one of the easiest to get wrong.
Email sets the tone, raises (or lowers) expectations, drives sales/renewals and can act as a barometer for customer happiness.
The three most important emails you’ll send are:
- Your welcome email
- Service/product satisfaction confirmation
- The opportunity to give feedback
In this post I will look at these emails in more detail, with advice and copy you can use in your emails.
1. Your welcome email
In my eyes this is not just one of your most important emails, it is one of your most important pieces of marketing full-stop.
This is your customer’s first window into your business and the product they have bought, so it has to be good.
Your welcome email must be much than just a simple hello or confirmation of the order.
From how it looks, to what it says and what it asks them to do, it all needs a lot of thought and attention. Ensure your customers get off on the right foot and instantly develop a positive opinion of your business.
What do I do next?
The biggest question a welcome email should answer is “What do I do next?” Is it log-in, activate something, phone you…?
Put this information prominently at the top of your welcome email like a call to action button on your website, and don’t bury it in paragraphs worth of text.
Get them using the product
The more your customer uses your product, the more likely they are to stay with you and buy more.
Obviously you’re welcome email should provide all the information they need to log-in, but it should also contain information on how to get started with your control panel and product.
You don’t need to put all the information into the email, but you should link to guides/ resources that provide step by step information on using their product.
Encourage referrals
One thing Dropbox do very well is incentivise word of mouth through the promise of more free storage space.
This starts instantly with their welcome email and a link to their storage bonus page with instructions on how to claim it by advertising them via social media or referring a friend.
You can do the same!
Here is an example welcome email you can use:
[su_box title=”Welcome to Widgets Inc” style=”default” box_color=”#333333″ title_color=”#FFFFFF” radius=”3″]
Hi [Name],
Welcome to Widgets Inc, it’s great to have you on board. Your account has been set-up and is ready for you to use.
Here are your login details
Account login:
Username: XXXXXX
Temporary password: XXXXXX
You will be prompted to update your password when you login for the first time.
Let’s get social
If you want to stay up-to-date with the latest Widgets Inc news, new features and releases (which we highly recommend you do), then feel free to follow us.
Twitter: | |
Facebook: | |
Here when you need us
If you need any help getting started, you can check out our [link]knowledge base[/link] for some handy hints and tips. You can also call us on 01234 567 890 or email us at We’re all ears.
Earn rewards referring a friend
We hope you enjoy using Widgets Inc, and as a thank you for spreading the word, we’ll add [reward] to your account for every friend you refer. Click here to login to the [link]rewards section of your control panel[/link].
2. Service/product satisfaction confirmation
A typical business only hears from 4% of its dissatisfied customers (Source: “Understanding Customers” by Ruby Newell-Legner).
Additionally, news of bad customer service reaches more than twice as many ears as praise for a good service experience, and for every customer who bothers to complain, 26 other customers remain silent. (Source: White House Office of Consumer Affairs).
These stats hit home how important it is to reach out to customers early on in the relationship, and make sure they are happy.
This email should be sent within 24 – 48 hours of their purchase, and provide links and contact details for the customer to contact you if they need help, or if they are unhappy with the product/service.
Here is an example email you can use:
[su_box title=”Do You Need Any Help With Your Widgets Inc Account?” style=”default” box_color=”#333333″ title_color=”#FFFFFF” radius=”3″]
Hi [Name],
Thanks for choosing us to manage your XYZ.
I’m getting in touch to find out how you are getting on, and if you need any help?
We have an extensive Knowledge Base that covers the most commonly asked questions. These include:
- How to set up your ABC
- How to activate your DEF
- How to pause your GHJ
Do you have any questions?
If you have any questions or would like some help, we are on hand to help 24×7. Call us on 01234 567 891 and we’ll be able to get you on your way.
[Sign off footer]
If the customer is happy, then great. You’ve also primed them where to go for help if they have any issues in the future.
If they are unsure how to use the product, rather than risk them mentally opting out and eventually churning, you can address this by linking to support articles or directing them to your customer support team.
If the customer is unhappy, you are giving them clear directions on how to express that dissatisfaction, rather than giving up and churning.
3. The opportunity to give feedback
Feedback can one of two ways.
- Your business accepts it, but ignores it or dismisses it.
- Your business accepts it, and thrives on the positive changes you can make to improve customer experience and satisfaction.
I’ve worked for companies that do both.
The first had a terrible reputation in the market and was stagnate at every level. The second had passionate brand fans and was considered a market leader in its niche.
Customer feedback is your opportunity to be better.
Net Promoter Score
Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a great way to kill two birds with one stone. You can find out how satisfied the customer is with you and give them the opportunity to provide feedback via an open form.
An example email to use:
[su_box title=”A Quick Question About Your Widgets Inc Account” style=”default” box_color=”#333333″ title_color=”#FFFFFF” radius=”3″]
Hi [Name]
I would appreciate it if you could spend a little time answering a couple questions, to let us know what you think about our services.
On a scale of 0 – 10, how likely are you to recommend us to a colleague, friend or family?
[NPS scale and radio buttons]
Is there anything else you would like to let us know?
[Open text form]
[Sign off footer]
If you ignore the small niggles customers report, over time these snowball and before you know it fixing them is now a major project that drains resources.
Big projects and sweeping changes are cool to work on and promote, but it is the hundreds or thousands of tiny feature tweaks and improvements that are greater than the sum of their parts.
In summary
The common theme that ties these three emails together is your business’ state of mind.
Are you making a sale or a new customer? Sales are one-offs, customers can be for life.
If you want a customer, then it is in your interests for them to be successful and help drive future development. The best way to do this is create an automated, regular line of communication with them.